Wednesday 6 March 2013


So the weather was absolutely flippin' gorgeous down here yesterday and after a glorious long walk to the post office and back through the beautiful rolling fields we spent the day with the kitchen doors flung open rolling around in the grass for hours on end - complete bliss!!!!
 Tarka looked beautiful lying in the grass amongst the solitary daisy....
 whilst Dobbie rolled in a little tiny patch of Fox Poop........
I LOVE fox poop
I luuuuurve Fox poop
and now I smell like The King of The Garden...hmmmmmmm...I smell good, I smell good, I smell good - no its better than that I smell  POWERFULL!!!!
 We are carrying out our daily "training duties" - this one involves Tarka standing on a horrible blue plastic stool which cost £2.49 and walking round it. None of us have any idea why we are doing this but the dog-training woman suggested it so we are just doing as we are told.
 I have no idea what she is doing
 I have no idea why I am doing this but just GIMME THE TREAT

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