Saturday 31 August 2013

20 Years On

So last night Me and Mum hosted a really amazin' party at Flat 9 with all her lovely Uni Girls. 
There was loads of good food and good chat and good cuddles.
They all drank their own body weight in wine and when it got to 2am I tried to lead by example - sleep anybody?????
 We all went off for muffins and bacon this morning.......I got loads of bacon - Mum was too fragile to Even Notice - I like it when she drinks a lot of wine.....
 And then it was off to Guildford today to celebrate Wendys 51st. Everybody totally GOT my World-Famous-Cuteness and I was admired so endlessly it was just perfect. I just circulated all day looking really Super Cute whilst Mum made herself feel better with more wine - it was no effort for me and made everybody ridiculously happy.
The children decided to feed me bread in retun for Doing Circles and Rolling Over.......which Mum got all grumpy about. I have never had bread before and I Love it but apparently it is bad for my belly. Now I am not sure all that wine is good for Mum's belly but you don't see me shouting at innocent generous children do you? 
Several of the women tried to take me home so it was the usual Handbag-checking proceedure as everbody left. One of them offered to swap me for her big old totally-not-world-famously-cute Border Terrier.......
But Mum said "No" and so We came home together on the train.........quite tired, full of bread (Me) and wine (Her) and very happy in the knowledge that I made the world a better place today just by hanging out and looking Super Cute
(and my belly is just fine thank you very much)

Thursday 29 August 2013

Early Starts

so the New Regime this summer in Flat 9 involves gettin' up early EVERY single day and to be perfectly honest I am not a big fan..........
I do like to wake early - about 5am...but only slightly......I keep my eyes tightly shut and don't fully engage my World-Famous-Cuteness...
.......I just jump into bed with mum for more snoozin'.........
 ......when She gets up I listen out whilst She sorts herself out and when the time is right I rush into the kitchen for my tasty Waitrose Salmon-based kibble...........
 and then I go back to bed........
 but She INSISTS on goin' out to do whatevah useless pointless thing that She does all day without me and taking me with her on the way to drop me off with all the Pointless Dogs at Daycare.....
I do NOT like The New Regime..............
Bring on Cornwall.....
Stop shakin' my collar Mum - am so not interested......zzzzzzz

Monday 26 August 2013

Our Weekend

So its been a pretty busy weekend what with all the Socialising we have been doing at Tanglefoot. 

Lovely Hannah came to see us and she is really chilled and Loves to have me on her lap ALL the I obliged her and spent Alot of time on her lap to make sure she felt happy and fulfilled.

We were apparently privileged to receive Colonel Nigel OBE for dinner Saturday night. 
Mum made a big fuss and cooked all day but I wasn't that impressed with him (he made some none-funny comment about my ear-bangers and talked about his Proper Dogs????) but it was OK as he showed his true colours when he let that slug crawl up his jeans and leave slime on Tiny's kitchen chair. You would have thought a Colonel OBE would be too Ninja to let that happen??? Luckily his ipod music selection was a big improvement on Tiny's and his wife Sheri is brilliant and fully understands the importance of my World-Famous Cuteness so all in all it was a good night.

We all went off to the New Forest today for a bike ride which was GREAT apart from the fact that Tarka is acting all weird at the moment and whenever we came across another Dog they were trying to sniff her beehind and jump on her. She was NOT happy about this and kept sitting down with her tail tucked so far under her bum it was ticklin' her chin.
Now I don't know why she was suddenly SO interesting and in return was bein' SO moody but I nearly had to jump out of my bike basket to help her out at one point she was gettin' so much stress at the back end - it was SO not cool. 
I have told her to pull herself together and just dunk her ass in fox pooh - duh????

So We came home tonight for a photo session as what with Tarka being so weird all weekend I did not get as much attention as usual and I decided to show Colonel Nigel (Order of the British Empire) some of my best moves.....

 Colonel Dobbie OBRCC 
(Order of the British Ridiculously Cute Canine)
 Colonel Dobbie OBETB 
(Order of the British Excellence in Beard Trimming)
Colonel Dobbie OBCBN 
(Order of the British Cute Button Nose) not sure that is the sort of manly military award I was thinkin' of when I pulled this pose?

But Whatevah!!! - Its only 12 more sleeps before I get to go to Cornwall and see all my very favourite Naylor-Gang and eat tasty fish treats morning noon and night and have endless cuddles and hang out with George

Cannot WAIT!!!!!!!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Our Weekend

So we went of to Stratford-Upon-Avon for some more camping bliss.
A LOVELY little campsite, friendly and clean.
We decided to crack on with The Prosecco rather than rush to put the tent up - much to the envy of all the Parents around us struggling with tents and kiddies...

When we eventually stopped drinking and put the glorious Bell Tent up there were lots of cuddles........
 ....some with a bit too much tongue action involved.......
How appropriate the wording "Bat Bike" 
We had a lovely BBQ on Friday - best Waitrose peppercorn burgers, halloumi salad with king scallops and big prawns
Dobbie decided he.....
We had breakfast infront of Shakespeare's House whilst He was admired by Japanese and American tourists.......
 and we spent an afternoon hiding from the drizzle in a VERY lovely pub with cool staff, comfy chairs, lovely food and nice tunes......
 .....playing Scrabble, eatin' scrummy food, reading the papers, knitting and drinking coffee....
 ......the Scrabble effort was pretty exhausting.......
 but we made up for it today with a Beautiful little ride down The Greenway.....
in just 10 short miles we managed to fit in tomato's on toast, mushrooms on toast + 2 cream teas!!!
NB - check out Auntie's Michelle Obama upper arms!!!
No bingo-wing flappage goin' on there No Sireee
My arms aren't so perfect but I have new great hair-do
All in All - Bliss it was..........X

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Mixed News.....

So because occasionally His breath offends me we went off to The Vets tonight.....
apparently his knashers
ain't too shabby.......(phew)
 and We All agree his new haircut makes him look 

The nurse wanted to know where He came from and was VERY excited to hear He used to belong to The Bass Player in the Famous rock-band Bush.....(she was very familiar with the band and sympathised with His plight of now living in a one-bed flat with boring old me listening to The Archers)......
 ....but nevertheless was not sympathetic enough to stop herself from informing Him that at 5kilos!!!! he is getting a bit HEFTY for his little inch-long legs........

He enjoyed his meal of freshly shot venison-haunch last night (it was DELICIOUS!!!!) but He is NOT looking forward to being in Cornwall with His Granny and NOT being able to partake in the cream teas......

BAD dieting-times ahead.......:-(

Monday 12 August 2013

Happy Birthday

 Tarka is One today
......and Dobbie is really pleased at how much she has grown.....

Thursday 8 August 2013


Check out this little excessively-furry face.......coz...........He is going for a full make-ovah next week. Bob is coming to give him an all-ovah number 1 and we are off to The Vets to tackle his hideous stinky little we are gettin all brushed up for Rock just incase we bump into Royalty!!! :-)