Wednesday 14 August 2013

Mixed News.....

So because occasionally His breath offends me we went off to The Vets tonight.....
apparently his knashers
ain't too shabby.......(phew)
 and We All agree his new haircut makes him look 

The nurse wanted to know where He came from and was VERY excited to hear He used to belong to The Bass Player in the Famous rock-band Bush.....(she was very familiar with the band and sympathised with His plight of now living in a one-bed flat with boring old me listening to The Archers)......
 ....but nevertheless was not sympathetic enough to stop herself from informing Him that at 5kilos!!!! he is getting a bit HEFTY for his little inch-long legs........

He enjoyed his meal of freshly shot venison-haunch last night (it was DELICIOUS!!!!) but He is NOT looking forward to being in Cornwall with His Granny and NOT being able to partake in the cream teas......

BAD dieting-times ahead.......:-(

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