Sunday 6 April 2014

Catch Up

Well what have we been doing the last 3 weeks - having a bloomin' brilliant time - thats what!!!
We kicked off with a visitation from Bill and Zara 
and whilst He and Tiny and Tarks went off for a romantic week in Bridport Me and The Dobstar entertained The Parents in Salisbury town for good food, general pottering, Bills lunches, Organ recitals and a trip to the theatre.
In preparation for a party Dobbie had a shampoo - Mother had been on The Sherry all day by this time and got a bit raucous during the blow dry!!!
We went onto celebrate Tinys birthday with a fantazi dinner party, a visit from Sho and Bex, dinner out with the lovely Sherri, a GREAT fun-filled night at an Alison Moyet concert and much much fantazi socialising.
There has been lot of Doggie cuddling and snoozing
after yet another hideous paw-slashing lots of time cuddling in bed and on the sofa is aiding a quick recovery
There have been some interesting Doggie car rides - with old friends
and new......
(the cutest dog in the world apart from Dobbie ate some chewing gum and needed emergency trip to the vets by "angelic" visiting GP - who knew chewing gum was so toxic???)

MOST IMPORTANTLY MY month-long birthday celebrations have commenced in earnest with
the most fantastically wrapped birthday pressies evah!....(and also suitably fantastic pressies inside)
Birthday Balloons!!!!!
and SQUILLIONs of daffs!!!!
 a trip to the theatre
 and a day out in London-Town!!!!!
to The Shard
for lovely bubbles on the viewing platform
and a GORGOUS dinner at Hutong!!!!!
 Thank Goodness that nice lady was sympathetic at Mums RUBBISH chop stick skills!
What a fab fab fab weekend
Being nearly-40 ROCKS!!!!!!!

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