Sunday 13 April 2014

Did I tell you I am nearly-40???

So I went home to Notts for the second stage of my 40th celebrations.
I started it off by cycling up and down COMPLETELY hideous hills to see my dentist?!? Yes - that was not an ideal way to celebrate but I DID feel absolutely AMAZING when I got to the top.
I spent friday night with my my god daughters and my good friend Chit in Sheffield for bubbly and a great meal and then I cycled back downhill to a FANTAZI party with lovely old-and-new-friends.
I had more amazing birthday balloons which I LOVE (I bought them all home with me but I promise I will NOT inhale any more helium and then talk to myself in a squeaky voice just because it makes me laugh...!!!!) 
I had amazing pressies (Dobstar captured for eternity)
and Mother did what she does best - the BEST EVAH pork-based products. I literally had to STOP the men-folk eating them all before we had a chance to taste!!!
What a fab weekend
THANK YOU family and friends  - I feel AMAZEBALLS

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