Tuesday 22 April 2014

Week 3 of My 40th!!!

So me and Dobs went off to Wales for a MAHASEEEVE celebration with Tiny, Tarka, Fi, Gi, Miss Marmaduke, Leon, Billious, Mat, Lady Lisa, Rachel, Danny and Hannah.
It was the uusal - food, booze and walking but on an epic scale.
I had billions of pressies, a bouquet, MORE helium balloons, the BEST birthday cake ever created and generally the most amazing time.
Highlights??? That cake, that Lasagne, Mat carving meat, that cuzza, that roast, Cadre, Bills bed being the wrong way round, everything Danny, late night singing with L&T, the most beautiful rose, runnign in the hills, a day on the beach and finishing it all off with a Michellin star meal.
We had the most amazeballs time in the history of Bala............


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